One of the best things about having children with you is that you get to go to the playground often. As a daddy, you get a special perspective on B7—a family-friendly city with slides, swings, and animal rockers on every block. I have to admit, at least for the little kid in me, that I have plenty of fun. Sometimes, in addition to all the new medical stuff I learn in class, I find out that I have been missing out on other important things in my education. Today for instance, I came home and was welcomed as usual by a ferocious herd of four precious, little monsters. They had stampeded from the other side of our apartment after their perfectly attuned ears picked up the sound of me unlocking the front door, and as soon as I stepped inside, they ambushed me with hugs and kisses. They proceeded to shower me with every detail of their day, simultaneously in high, squeaky, adorable voices. Then they asked me if I would take them to the park. Of course, I couldn’t refuse, and we proceeded to walk to the playground. When we arrived, they taught me how to play hopscotch for the first time. Sure, I had seen those numbered squares on the concrete before, but this was the first time I learned that I was supposed to throw a rock onto the numbers and hop across according to an established set of time-honored rules that every well-educated child should know. It was then that I realized that my education had failed me. For some reason, I grew up never knowing how to play hopscotch. Yet, God was gracious. He looked down from heaven and saw my poor condition and sent his little angels to teach me. Now, I am complete. Anyone want to play hopscotch?
- blogger of the month, Sakal Kiv
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