Monday, January 6, 2014

Beer Sheva: Winter Survival Guide, by Sara Teichholtz

When first learning about Beer Sheva, all I knew was that it was in the desert. When people discuss desert living, the heat and dryness are generally emphasized because that's pretty much what “desert climate” implies. What is under emphasized, at least to those of us who have spent time living in South Florida, is the desert winter.  A few weeks ago, we got hit with a cold snap so cold that we came across a bit of ice on the street in the old city.

For the most part, the winter here may resemble summer in some places, but when combined with architecture designed to keep things cool in the sweltering summers, it's been feeling a little chilly as of late.

So, breaking the trend of summer survival guide posts, I'll be sharing some tips about how to survive the brutal Beer Sheva Winter.

1. Learn how to dress properly.
Exhibit A: My roommate is from Winnipeg, so I've been picking up some of the Canadian tips on how to survive in -40 temperatures. Here, Hannah demonstrates how Canadian teen fashion circa 2004 can keep your lower extremities safe from the chill of tile floors.

Exhibit B: Zach is from Minnesota, so he knows how to prepare for chilly study sessions.

2. Hot beverages. Seen here is everyone's best friend, the kum-kum (yes, that's Hebrew for “electric kettle”). Perfect for providing a steady supply of hot beverages for long study sessions.

3. In the same vein: bake! Making cookies both heats up the apartment and warms the soul.

4. The space heater, as seen below.  I cannot officially recommend sitting as close to the space heater as I do, but even if you don't make yourself a human fire hazard, the space heater will warm a room quite nicely. Here, Hannah is actually demonstrating several warming tips in one: fuzzy socks, hot tea, AND questionably close proximity to the space heater.

5. When all else fails, remember that soon it will be 100 degrees again.

Stay warm.

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